Wednesday, January 06, 2010

January 5, 2010

GiST 39/365

1) We have a black and white cat that has been hanging around for about three weeks. He/She (I truly believe it is a she b/c Three Legged Cat tolerates her) She sits on the window ledges and calls for TLC during the day and disappears at night. I know she is homeless and so skinny compared to Big Bad TLC. Joe tells me not to feed her that she will never go away. Last night I fed her and made a home from an old cardboard box and an old rough blanket I had in the closet. It made me feel very good to be taking care of this poor unfortunate. It is suppose to be very cold the next few days. TLC went crazy when we laid out a bowl of food! And I believe he checked out her house before she was allowed inside.

2) Joe found a rosary under the bed. Ted gave it to me years ago (2004??) after a trip to Italy. "What was Ted doing in Italy?" J. asked, "Seeing the Pope obviously!"

3) I sashayed into Walmart to pick up a few things and ran into three people I have met via Biscuit Bucket! It's almost unsettling to realize I am becoming settled in this small big town.

4) Made a batch of Chicken-N-Dumplings for dinner. Oh, how I love that dish!

5) In years past, many years, I have used any flat drinking glass that is handy when it was time to roll out dough for pie crusts etc. On a recent trip to Louisville/Jeff I found a wooden rolling pin at the Salvation Army that is old, "weathered" and perfect. I used it for the first time making the dumplings last night and it was divine! I have missed out on this unique pleasure for too long and wonder how I ever got along without it.


Donna. W said...

I can't even IMAGINE doing without a rolling pin! Mine is marble, given to me years ago by my ex-daughter-in-law. To be honest, I preferred the wooden one I used to have, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

sunflowerkat said...

I'm glad you fed the cat and made a warm comfy place for it. Yeah, it may never leave but....would that be such a bad thing?

Unknown said...

Chicken and dumpling is one of my eat...not make. Wife's a hell of a cook. I should weigh 300 pounds.