Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 144

Grace in Small Things
wednesday April 23
Administrative Professional Appreciation Day

1) It's good to work in a Mall. You know all the significant holidays.
2) Began day with gift on my desk from The Ice Queen (that is what the Prop Mgr calls her)(and it seems more apropos for the moment until I come up with something better, b/c she really is not an IQ, she is only drawn that way) a nice card and a candle. I thought it was for all the good work I had done for the Peter F. dog and pony show "coming soon to a Mall near you" but no, it's because it's Administrative Professional Day!
3) The Ice Queen and Prop Mgr. bought Mrs. Long Suffering and I lunch from Backyard Burgers (I think). It was goooooooood.
4) Then went to work at Biscuit Bucket and when I bought some Zac Brown cd's (for my on-line business) I was rewarded with a non-advertised promo of BOGO 1/2 off. Yea.
5) Decided that the shipping costs associated with essential oil's was too outrageous to have any advantage of not driving to Nashville for a shopping spree - but went across the street and kept my $'s in C-ville by finding lime oil and peppermint oil at the Herb's and Vitamin store. Rewarded with finding a 16 oz. bottle of sweet almond oil. Sweet. (lol).

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