Monday, December 06, 2010

Plus 6

Grace in Small Things
Extended Version
Saturday December 4th

1) (Resumed) cleaning out closet. Lot's of wonderful room. But garage is filling up fast.

2) Got box of old jewelry from the 80's and 90's from the garage and played with old funky jewelry for a little while. Put in Stella and Dot boxes and using a Sharpie, told when I thought I got it, who gave it to me etc. (lot's of junk!lol)

3) The Grinch made a trip to the Mall and I was back in my official capacity as Mall photographer. I had to be at the Bucket for my shift beginning at 5pm, but I managed to take photo's of all the Mall employee kids and still be at work on time!

4) The Angel Tree kid I have asked for "science and musical" toys (isn't that sweet) so the paper Jamz at the Bucket is marked down! So I go that and a dinosaur excavation kit. (cool)

5) UK game on tv - the BIG screen too! They almost beat UNC at NC. Good game, even thought I missed the final 15 minutes b/c of the Grinch. He is a mean one!

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