Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Bizarro World in my Unpublished Posts

All this for under $15! I know how to shop and it helps that I won't see the grand kids until this week-end so I can take advantage of half price everything!

This is an example of what my Unpublished Post's look like. Perfect little gems waiting to be polished and adorned in Cyberspace. Most the time they are just snippets of thoughts, a long sentence or two. I am queen of a rambling sentence!

In between the published posts is this Bizarro World of Unfinished business. Someday I may take each one and see what I can do with it, until then they sleep like baby thoughts in the incubator of my subconscious.

This has so far been a good day. Beware, there is lots of day left! I finished my taxes, well I started them actually, this morning and had them completed n about two hours. I owe so much less than I did last year. A true blessing. I can probably cover the shortfall quickly.

I made the final payment on 2010 taxes this morning. Funny isn't it? Strange but true!

I finished CUTTING FOR STONE and I must admit, the book became much better and I could not put it down. Sunday night, after The Killing, I hopped in bed and read for hours. I was fully caught up in the story! I did not cry at the ending, I cried Sunday night and that was enough. Fantastic Book!!

My daughter will be here tomorrow for a long week-end stay. We will go to the Juke Joint Festival in Clarksdale, home of the Cross Roads. My cuz from Los Angeles will arrive Friday morning to join us.

I'm off for five days and on Sunday we are heading to Lexington to visit my Mom and celebrate the April Birthdays. An added plus is to see the Grand babies.

Now if only my burnt out head light would fix itself all would be perfect. At least for a couple of hours.

1 comment:

That gentleman's lady said...

have a wonderful time celebratin'!!!