Would you believe that Southern Indiana has a thriving, vibrant Wine Industry? According to the small winery we found, the land mimics the fertile French wine country as well as climate. Who would have thought! The very first ever winery in the United States, back when we were a colony, was in Indiana. Amazing. I checked her history and by-God, it was almost true. The very first winery was around Lexington, Ky and was a dismal failure. The gent moved the operation to Southern Indiana and using a local grape established the first "successful" winery and we are all better for it some 200 years later.
Joe and I decided that we would do our own trail of Wine this week. There are about 20 wineries within one hour of us, so off we went.
Finding Hubers in Starlight was a cinch, since it is only 20 minutes away from us. Look at those fabulous bottles. Once I got home and looked at the photograph did I realize how it the bottle resembles a star lit night! We bought a bottle of Peach Schnapps at Hubers and a bag (or two) of local produce and forged on to Hardinsburg, because it was the furthers out and I thought we would work our way back.
Naturally I brought along no directions, just a list of addresses and a mapquest map that loosely sketched out the area. I had a fleeting thought of grabbing my trusty Indiana Map (it saved my life numerous times in NE Indiana in my tenure up there), but I have no idea where it is now.
And I thought, like an innocent nincompoop, we have the Garmen.
Hardinsburg is only about 20 miles from Hubers in Starlight. Since I was the co-pilot, one of my jobs was to put the coordinates (aka addresses) in the garmen and then just follow the directions.
You would think that is easy. And in some ways, yes that is easy. Easy if you are on a superhighway and only have to get off at Exit 114 and go .........."end point two miles and turn left, turn left, turn left....recalculating"....... She always wants you to turn onto a one way street the wrong way, or on the on ramp to some highway also the wrong way, or to turn into the town dump because she thinks she knows some short cut obviously the indigenous Indians who first settles this area told her about.
I hate that bitch.
Joe mercifully turned off her power of speech (he has her powered up in an English accent, I guess being bossed around by someone with a slightly foreign accent is more acceptable than the regular computer generated vocals).
Unbeknowest to me, and I do believe he forgot, he also had the option of "avoid all highways" turned on.
It made for an interesting drive.
As I was waving the box around to try and reconnect with the satellite feed (we were deep in hilly country) we missed a turn and she had to recalculate. Not so bad, as we came upon one highway that was a straight stretch to the second winery. But, with all the drama of trying to reconnect, trying to figure out the "big picture" with the Garmin, I lost focus on where we were headed and was surprised as anyone when we passed the Corydon signs and continued on ending up crisscrossing the three streets that make up Hardinsburg looking for the winery road, with Joe supplying the musical accompaniment to the tune of "Deliverance".
It was closed! Dang it.
Back to Corydon to that winery. Back the way we came, though Joe insisted that I fire up that silly Garmin again and follow her route rather than just wing it with the map! We had nowhere to be, we had no time table and so I went along with this foolishness.
Man what a ride. At the time, it was unestablished that Joe had the "avoid major highways" function turned on. We went down, down, down into the country, off the divided two lane highways onto the unlined two lanes, off of those onto the single lane roads, and at times gravel roads. We even landed in a small rail road crossing type township and did a rubber band curve and headed back the way we came on the other side of the rail road track.
All in all, we panicked and then we found a major intersection and headed into town for the comfort and security of civilization. We found the information center with relative ease, she handed us a map of the county and highlighted the path to the Turtle Run Winery.
As it always happens, when we had emerged from the wilds of Southern Indiana, we were about 1/2 mile from the winery if we had just continued to follow that damn Garmen's instructions.
We had a great visit to the winery and the wine is fabulous. We purchased several bottles and headed home after a long day of adventure. Thanks to the map given us at the Information Center, we were about two miles from Interstate 64, and only 15 miles (give or take) from home.
Next time, I am taking the trusty Indiana map and to hell with Miss Garmen.
Missouri has dozens of wineries too, and new ones are cropping up all the time. Stone Hill Winery and New Oak Vineyards are my two Missouri favorites. (The latter is only seven miles away and is owned by a good friend.)
You have to be careful about the do not use highways option! A coworker did that to mine and it made me crazy until I figured it out. I can honestly say I would be lost without my Garmin. She finds new houses and streets for me each day. I have nicknamed her Gerri. She doesn't know it but I am thinking of upgrading her to a blue tooth capable model when my ship comes in.
We have a local winery...one...and the wine is actually decent.
If that stupid woman would just give the directions this way...turn left at the Chevron, then go straight until you see the bank on the right....we would all save a lot of time.
Thank god wineries are everywhere. If they don't already, they should have a special category in the Garmin.
What an adventure! Just the kind I like. You end up at home, safe and sound.
We have wineries in Virgina too. It's been awhile since we took a drive into the mountains for the day, stopping to sip and buy a bottle or two.
Funny, light hearted post. Enjoyed.
What a fun adventure! LOL at the problems with Garman. You are a delightful and creative writer, I'll be back for more, often!
Trevor (7) calls the voice on our navigation system "Devil Woman".
Have a great weekend!
My Blog
Makes arguing over stopping to ask for directions more fun!
What an adventure!
I love wineries. New Mexico has a couple, but nothing compared to the fun we have in Napa while visiting my mom.
Oliver Winery in Bloomington is well worth a road trip. They have tours, a nice picnic area and of course good wine.
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