Friday, September 03, 2004


Bridget at three months. This is my favorite picture of all the thousands I have. When I first read the Blogfathers assignment I had three photo's that I had to choose from. It was no contest really.

My Uncle Johnny took this photo. I had a small 110 camera and my photos of Bridget, were for lack of a better word, pathetic! He took control of things, and this picture was the result. Bridget was the apple of Johnny's eye. He lived with my Aunt and Uncle for the first six months of Bridget's life, then moved to Louisville from Houston.

This picture was taken at the waterfront in Houston. We were visiting the battleship they have docked there, can not remember the name. I have displayed this picture of her for over 2o years, where ever I go, where ever I live, it is displayed prominently.

Uncle Johnny died when Bridget was just two years old. They had just moved to Florida and he was in the garage sharpening knives, building a bookcase, doing whatever it is engineers do upon retirement in their Aunt sensed something was wrong and ran to check. He died in her arms.

I love this picture for a lot of reasons.

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