Last night I was told, “The older you become the more self
absorbed you are!” This is added to a cache of “The older you become….” allegations
that has come with more frequency as he changes and seems more needy and
reliant on me!
First it was, “You’re mean!”
Then it became, “You are becoming intolerant!”
A few moments later I left the room, not in a huff, but
under the pretense of having no interest in the Military Channel and the sudden
urgency of cleaning up the kitchen before turning in for the night.
In all honesty I needed to mull over the accusation in private to test
it’s validly. Was I really becoming more self absorbed? Or was it the
fall out of his bad day? A bad day
triggers my reaction, which is to retreat and not
run the risk of stumbling in front of the Freight Train. He may see it as self absorbed but I know it as
self preservation.
Yet, the remark had zapped me and the stinger hurt. Was I
really becoming more self absorbed? Intolerant? Mean? Maybe so.
The other night one of the “girls” I work with told me she
was diabetic. Since I am beginning to think I am diabetic I asked her how it
came about.
I expected something along the lines of simplicity such as,
“On an annual check –up” . What I got was a 10 minute history about her Dental
office job, pissing some foreigner off, drinking a coca-cola, having a four
pound tumor, the Doctor weighing 300 pounds and throwing back his head and
laughing, one of the blood clots
bursting and soaking a chair……..I had to stop her there as I was beginning to
get squeamish and the answer to my question was not even on the horizon yet!
What was so bizarre about the whole thing was the entire
time I was listening I barely heard her above the buzzing in my head. I
was listening to an entirely different conversation presented to me by my
sister in law about witnessing a bank robbery while eating at a restaurant
across the street. “I had the roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy. Not as
good as mine, I swear they use instant. X had the salmon. I think he is
dieting. I ate some of it, it was pretty good. I looked out the window and said
‘X is that your bank being robbed?’. X said, ‘No Mama that’s just the police
making a deposit.’ And I said, ‘it sure looks like they have their guns pulled’
and X said, ‘ My eye sight is better than yours and I don’t see any guns’ .
Then we asked to talk to the chef and ……..”
No one can be more ponderous than that. Or so I thought
until I listened to the lumbering diabetic story thanking my lucky stars when she began to
include blood so I could bow out before passing out. Literally.
So maybe, in all honestly, Joe is right. As we change as we
grow older. Sometime for the better , sometimes not.
I think that, with the passing years, we simply acquire some conversational self-preservation techniques...
Self preservation is the key. At all costs.
I'm with the rest: self-preservation comes with age, in so many ways! Seriously, we do change as we get older. I think all of us get a bit more intolerant, although I think I'd rather call it something along the lines of "Hey-I-really-don't-have-the-time-for-this-cause-life-is-getting-shorter!" But remember "he" is changing too. Maybe he's the one getting short on tolerance. Anyway, I find that as I'm getting older hormone changes are definitely making me a bit easier to piss off. I know it, and so I truly do try to catch myself or remove myself from the situation (room, building, whatever). It's weird, but another blogger just wrote about this very thing, and I gave her just about the same comment I'm leaving here!
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