We attended a fish fry on Friday night and when we made it home, GB was tired and cranky. This means she screamed about everything. SD touches her, she screams. Which naturally becomes a lot of fun for SD! So there is touching and screaming and "I didn't do anything!" and a sniffly, "She hit me" and then "I did not!!" and then more screams as SD touches GB's stuff and another sniffly, "She hit me".
In the meantime, the Cat is traumatized and is hiding under a chair. When ever he ventures into the family room, he goes around the perimeter hoping to avoid the Little Person. The Little Person lays eyes on the Cat and immediately shrieks and chases Cat around the house. But Three Legged Cat is faster and can hide under the bed and GB can only place head on floor and beg, "Pweese come out, Cat". To which the Cat only pokes out a paw, to show his discontent, to take a swipe at anyone who happens to walk by.
The Cat will lay down and survey his invaded kingdom and allow GB to pet him under his chin (he can not do justice to the chin scratch with only three legs) and GB is assured that Cat does not bite.
After hours of peeing and pooping nose wiping jewelry playing and cat chasing, GB passes out in exhaustion only to awake at 630am and need attention from May-May.
"No I do not like toast"
"No I do not like Twix"
"No I do not like cinnamon wolls" (is this kid related?????)
"No I do like eggs"
"No woegurt"
"No pancakes"
Together we peer inside the refrigerator and she spots the baloney and pulls it out, "This" she proudly hold up, "I like!!"
So does the Cat! This is the Cat's treat baloney! But, the Cat shares and before the day is ended, the entire pound of baloney is devoured by both Cat and GB. Two slices are found packed in GB's suitcase. AS SD holds up the evidence, GB says, "For later."
Off to the Parade. It is perfectly evident that GB is not going to make it. Jo-Jo (GB name for Grandpa) decides that GB can not be carried the entire Parade Route. And he fears that if we put her on the Float she will insist of getting on and off to walk beside SD and Bridget. So he takes her home. On the way she once again passes out, he carries her in the house and she does not come to until he loads her back in the car to pick us up.
We arrive at home, pack up her belongings, eat more baloney, chase the Cat under the bed one last time, try to pack the large box of jewelry in the small Dora suitcase, try to pack the Shark book she loved, tried to pack the "The Little Mermaid", and at one time tried to pack the Cat! Who ran and hid under the bed. Again.
We took her home to Mama and kissed her and hugged her and cried to be leaving her and returned to the car.
"That was interesting" said Step Daughter, "And I did not hit her! She hit me first!"
Thats the nice thing about grandkids, you can spoil them, enjoy them and then take them back home.*winks* Sounds like you had a full energetic weekend. (Hugs)Indigo
I bet you are one tired puppy too!
How can anybody not like cinnamon walls?
Sounds like an exhausting but great weekend
I will be opening boxes for weeks and weeks
I'm sure you had a wonderful time and were completely exhausted by the end of that visits! lol
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