I have three days off in a row and I am giddy! Tomorrow night I go into my 2nd job for five hours but I am FREE until then.
How have I spent the last 24 precious hours? Besides driving around Memphis and mistakenly not taking the right ramp and ending cruising over the mighty Mississippi landing in Arkansas? I have been spending time playing with my vintage jewelry. Sitting under a very bright high voltage light bulb and turning the pieces this way and that holding the jewelry loupe to my eye, trying to read any hidden markings. Sometimes so miniscule they seem hidden.
I caught the vintage bug last winter. Bored and alone at a computer screen with little to do, I found a marvelous site (it remains a secret that I only share with my bank!!) that every so often I feel like I hit the lottery.
Take this lot of earrings that I bid $6.99....
............and won. The green drop earrings caught my fancy and the bidding was so low that I could not help myself. To my credit, it had been over seven months since I have fueled this compulsion - I mean passion.
After shipping, I think it came in under $20 (the only beef I have with this site is that the shipping charges are extremely high with "handling & insurance" added into the mix - boo).
When they arrived I was thrilled with the haul. The top center earrings, which unfortunately look a lot like Bridget's baby teeth (yes I saved them, I am a semi-nut case), are marked "Japan" and I tend to think they are cultured pearls. Score!
The drop earrings are stunning - just like I suspected.
But the coup de la fabulous is the big gold brooch - its a Les Bernard! Worth at least twice what I paid for the entire lot.
My big plan is to some day have a cute booth at some little festival. Joe retires in one year, ten months, three weeks and four days! I am hoping that we will hit the road in a RV, that is if I can talk him into it. My big plan is sell my vintage jewelry along the way. I also am going to sell on the ESTY site - as soon as I make myself get it up and running.
I already have a name, Kit and Mollie Vintage. The name of my two Grand Mothers.
Cool, huh?
I understand your passion. I also collect vintage jewelry. BROOCHES to be specific. Love them. What a steal you got on the lot you bought. A retirement on the road in an RV sounds like fun. Good Luck convincing your hubby. Take care.
Mary, I like Vintage jewelery too. I have a bracelet that my aunt brought me back from Cuba about 50 yrs. ago. It has shell dancers, I must get a pic of it for you. I also have a necklace which was thrown to the crowds at Mardi Gras in the early 60s. My problem would be parting with the stuff! Once I had it I might not be able to sell it. lol Glad to see you are enjoying this so much!
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