Grace in Small Things
1) Rainbow on the way to work.
2) Yellow rain slicker, that I found quickly, complete with hoodie. Heavy rain a-falling as I bolted out the door!
3) Elvis week is ended and the fans are leaving the building (lol). There was this one small group of three women who everyday dressed alike in outfits they made themselves from T-shirts purchased at G-land and then embellished. Is the correct word bedazzled? As they walked around the G-land areas they reminded me of a gang. A well maintained, polished and coiffured gang, but a gang just the same. Much like the gang of girls from GREASE - only Rizzo and troop are not teenagers any longer, they are 60 something groupies. I amused myself all day with this thought.
4) My car was acting up after work. I think it was the transmission and I had to drive home on an alternative route and work the shifter that I never use that comes with the Sonota. But when I arrived home and Joe checked the transmission fluid (good) and drove the car around it was all GOOD. Maybe I should stop letting my gas tank get so low -
5) Joe answering his cell phone when I needed him!!
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