While I was visiting Kentucky I realized that everywhere I went, and I mean everywhere, I found myself telling people I lived in Memphis.
This how the the conversation went in Old Kentucky Candies.
"Hello, where are all the hard candies?"
"We no longer carry them."
"What?!! (and in my head I yelled WTF!!) Do they carry them downtown?"
"No. The company is out of business."
"They were my favorite!" (I lied the pulled candy is my favorite and bourbon balls run a close second), "How long have you all been in this new location?"
"Four Years.'
"Great Balls of Fire! It's four years since I have been in here? And I came all the way from Memphis just for the hard candy...."
This is how the conversation went in Trader Joes, "I had to move to Memphis for you guys to open up a store in Louisville!! Please come to Memphis!!"
This is me in Coffee Times.
"Do you have a Coffee Times frequent user card?"
"No I live in Memphis but my sister probably does! Can I give her the points?"
Same deal at Jo-Beth, "I live in Memphis and I recently read that you guys have a store there! Is it as nice as this one?"
I swear, everywhere I went I had to let people know I lived in frigging Memphis! And I truly don't live in the town proper, I live in (gasp!) Mississippi.
I think I must like Memphis.
And I do!
I ask the same kind of questions, when I find myself out of town. I may say the state's name or a town nearby... but I don't admit to where I actually live. But if I lived in Memphis I'd be talking it up too.
That's a good thing, isn't it? Seems to me there have been a couple of places you have lived in the past few years that you never did like...
I tell people I'm originally from Chicago. We lived in the 'burbs, actually, but there's no need to split hairs... ;)
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