The Friday photo challenge at WordPress for this weeks inspiration is PEACEFUL.
One of the most beautiful spots in Lexington is also one of the most peaceful, the Cemetery. The botanical achievements in this resting place is phenomenal. Even in the midst of winter the scenery is awe-inspiring. It teeters on the formidable.
When I am home and am able to squeeze out a little bit of time, I head to the Cemetery located close to down town.
The world fades away in this hamlet of artistic beauty. Everything is quiet. Everything is perfectly harmonious.
Everything is at peace.
Great entry! :)
nice post
very nice indeed
well done nice and peaceful.
I'm playing catch up reading everybody's blogs now that I'm feeling a little better. GORGEOUS photo. Your observations, BEAUTIFULLY stated. I LOVE Cemeteraries.
Looks to be serving up a platter of peace!
Nice to see you back!
I always find cemetries very restful.
I feel in awe as I study the really old gravestones and think about the people who lay just below the ground.
Peaceful indeed and awesome picture! Thanks for the share :-)
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