Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reverb December 16th

December 16 – Friendship How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)

I flip the pages in my address book inscribing each envelope carefully. I write a quick note in each card, place it in the envelope taking care not to smear the ink, place a stamp especially for the holidays in the right corner, another label with my current address in the other corner and place the Christmas Card in the growing stack to be mailed. My list of friends include those I met in Cancun during the hurricane, the frat boys, friends from my childhood street, friends from my grammar school days, in-laws, friends from High School, friends I have known all my life, friends of my parents, cousins, friends from various places I have worked, friends from college days. Even some friends from AOL-J land and beyond.

Sometime during my life passage they have touched me and we bonded in such a way to ensure their inclusion on these pages of my tattered address book. I fill out a card, write some short lines about how I hope they are enjoying the holidays, how much I miss them, suggest we get together somehow, somewhere and then close the card with thoughts of them dancing in my head.

Each person conjures up a face and an emotion. A memory. Some of them are painful such as why do I never hear from this person? I send them cards, am friends with them on Face book, yet I never hear from them. It saddens me, yet I know that they will remain in my sphere of Christmas card sending and maybe a card or note or two during the year.

And so it goes. My life long connection to people who become more than just an acquaintance and stay with me - well, maybe forever!

As for one single friend who touched me in a way that altered some perspective or understanding - I'm blank. I just know that people are busy - heck, I'm busy and that life is nothing if you do not have people to share the joys of living, the hardships of enduring, and the monotony that sometimes is handed to us. It's nice to share.

I did find out, in a collective way, people change but somehow remain the same.

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