Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 140

Grace in Small Things
April 17th

1) Meeting the Mayor at Biscuit Bucket. Have not worked a Saturday almost all year. And I was planning to e-mail him about an event at the Mall. Kismet.
2) Finding English Liquorice allsorts at ALDI. A whole box for $3.49. I am in heaven. Very good stuff too.
3) Slept for 10 hours! I was tired.
4) I like how everyone in the south is called "Miss" regardless of age, like "Miss Mary" and "Miss Linda" it's very quaint.
5) Going to the Rivers and Spires festival with my honey.


Nelle said...

At work all of us ladies who are over forty are called "Miss so and so" by the young uns. I get a kick out of it. Once in awhile they also call me Mama. They are all like family and I miss them.

Lori said...

Thomas (my husband) still speaks about "Miss Lizzie" who was probably in her eighties when he knew her.