Friday, November 19, 2010

November 12


1) Attend the Christmas Village in Nashville as a vendor with S&D.
2) Learn a lot at the booth about S&D - because I have not had much success with persuading anyone to have a party.
3) Kettle Korn at X-mas village with vendor discount.
4) Did not go insane due to Nashville traffic. It was a little iffy for a spell.
5) Not certain if I like my sponsor or not. There is just something about her that makes me think that under any other circumstances I would not seek her out as a pal. But, I am giving her the benefit of the doubt. I am practicing the teaching of Tony Robbins - I once had a teacher in High School who taught Latin. He would say, "Throw enough mud at a brick wall and something has to stick!" Well, it's true!

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