Friday, November 05, 2010

October 26th

Grace in Small Things

1) Met Candi at Old Chicago for drinks and good company after work
2) Joe a no-show,but that's OK it gave me and Candi lots to talk about - lol
3) MD1 was called and reprimanded for missing the dead-line for the Marketing Plan. She had not thought about it once after turning the budget part. I had been working on the SWOT, market analysis, customer profiles, goals & strategies, zip code analysis since summer. Good thing. I handed it over and let her put her name on it. What's a subordinate to do? I am thinking she may get fired, and subsequently I may be fired along with her. Oh well, I was telling Joe the other day if I had to choose between Biscuit Bucket and the Mall, I would be leaning towards the Bucket.
4) Arrived home and my box of coffee had arrived!
5) Brilliant idea for gift bags for Christmas gifts!

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